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Celebrating Monkey Day at Diamante Eco Adventure Park

This is the season to be jolly, and as we spread holiday cheer, let’s not forget that December is also Monkey Month! Join us in celebrating the holiday season with our monkey friends at Diamante Eco Adventure Park. Costa Rica is rich in biodiversity, and its monkey population steals the spotlight with four captivating species: the White-Faced Monkey, Spider Monkey, Howler Monkey, and Squirrel Monkey (Titi).  White-Faced Monkey: Also known as Capuchin Monkeys, are easily identifiable by their distinctive white faces and tufts of hair resembling a little old man!  Their social nature is evident as they often gather in large groups, showcasing tight-knit family bonds. Spider Monkey: Renowned for their acrobatic prowess, Spider Monkeys feature long, slender limbs and prehensile tails that they use like an extra hand. These arboreal primates gracefully swing through the treetops, playing a vital…

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December 14, 2023

What you should know before traveling to Costa Rica

Are you planning a trip to Costa Rica? Then this will help you with what you should know before you go. Playa Matapalo, Guanacaste Costa Rica seems to be on everyone’s bucket list, and it should be. What a beautiful country with amazing people, culture and experiences available.  I recently talked with an owner from…

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November 27, 2019

Animals of Diamante Series: American Crocodiles

From the wild to a safe forever home Walk into Diamante’s Animal Sanctuary on a Monday afternoon and you might find that the crocodile feeding is going on. On a first glance, you can see they are healthy, non-handicapped crocodiles and wonder why they are here. Diego, Alex, George and Miyagi – our four Costa…

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August 19, 2017

Animals of Diamante Series: Marmosets – Animal Sanctuary

Animal Sanctuary in Costa Rica Meet Rocky & Luna Diamante Eco Adventure Park built the Animal Sanctuary in hand with La Paz Waterfall Gardens. The goal is making Diamante a forever home to rescue native wildlife that cannot be reintroduce into the wild. Therefore the wildlife found at the Diamante Animal Sanctuary is rescue, or…

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August 5, 2017